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Transforming Youth Through Music.

Bridging the gap between aspiration and opportunity by empowering underserved youth through music.

The Problem

After the COVID-19 pandemic, youth mental health has been in decline; we exist to make a difference.

Current Youth Services are overwhelmed.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 1.3 million youth (10-24) in the greater Bay Area. There are hundreds of thousands more youth than there are available youth services.


Mental health is getting worse.

Every month, in every county in the Bay Area, eleven youth take their lives due to treatable mental health issues. In the Bay, mental health problems are rising.


While You’re Reading This…

According to the National Institute of Health, the day you read this, 2 youth took their own lives because of mental health issues.


Partner With Us to Uplift Our Youth

Together, we can expand our impact and provide even more outlets for youth to make meaningful connections, be equipped for emotional regulation, and experience transformative opportunities through music.

How We're Different

Our Vision

is a world where every young person has access to the resources they need to improve well-being and realize their potential through music.

Our Mission

is to bridge the gap between aspiration and opportunity by empowering underserved youth through music.